Monday, March 5, 2007

what church is for

This is unrelated to the lectionary, but I wanted to put in a good word for my congregation.

I came to chuch yesterday feeling completely uninspired, dead, stuck, just plain yucky. I felt like I had nothing to say and had certainly not prepared as I should have.

I left church feeling loved and uplifted. God had made the words I had written work somehow; if for no one else, they worked for me. Northminster's membership is small but just so incredibly kind and generous. I wish somehow everyone who doesn't know church can be like this can have the experiences that I've had here. Meanwhile, I'll thank God everyday for the blessings of this time and place.

Monday, February 26, 2007

2nd Sunday in Lent, Year C (March 4, 2007)

Scriptures (clicking on the links will take you to the passage online.)

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 -- God comes to Abraham in a dream, promising him land and descendants.

Psalm 27 -- The pslamist rejoices in the light and salvation of the Lord.

Philippians 3:17-4:1 -- Paul exhorts his the church at Philippi to follow the way of Christ and live out the example of Christ's disciples.

Luke 13:31-35 -- Jesus has harsh words for Herod.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Helpful Hints

Here are some helpful hints for posting:

To post to the blog, sign in on the Blogger home page with whatever username and password you used to join the blog. The next screen you see will be the dashboard page, which gives you several options: you can edit, create a new blog entry, view the blog itself, and so forth. To post a new blog entry, click on New Post, and you will be taken to a page that will let you compose-- it looks like an e-mail editor with a space for title and ways to change the font style, size, etc. Write your blog in the space provided. To see how your blog is going to look, click the Preview link; when you are satisfied with your blog entry click the Publish button at the bottom of the page. Your blog entry will be published and you will be able to see it.

If you visit the Blog and just want to see if anyone else has commented or you want to comment on someone else's entry, you can click the Comments link at the bottom of any entry. You will be able to see other comments and leave one yourself; however, it won't show up on the main blog page.

Oh, and it's helpful if you sign your name so we all know who is responding. We might not know who you are by your username if you created a new one for this space, and knowing who everyone is just keeps communications honest and appropriate.

Feel free to experiment and enjoy!


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Welcome to the new Clergywomen's Lectionary Group Blog!

Welcome to the Clergywomen's Lectionary Group blog. If you read the sub-heading, you know that this isn's a place to vent about Presbytery or grind any axes, but is forum intended to be a safe environment in which we can share our thoughts and ideas about upcoming lectionary texts. We also need to remember and respect the fact that we come from a wide range of theological points of view, and that this isn't a place to argue theology but to share ideas-- ideally everyone should feel free to write from their own POV without fear of censorship or ridicule. This blog is a work in progress, so jump in and let's see where it goes!

This week is the first Sunday in Lent. The texts for this week are;

Deuteronomy 26:1-11: After years of living in slavery in Egypt and the hardships of the wilderness, the people of Isreal are called to celebrate the land of plentyin thanksgiving before God.
Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16
Romans 10:8b-13: Paul assures his listeners that, whether they be Jew or Greek, there is one Lord of all.
Luke 4:1-13: Jesus, fasting in the wilderness, overcomes the temptations of evil.
(Synopses are from Prayers for the Seasons or God's People: Worship Aids for the Revised Common Lectionary Year C by B. David Hostetter


OK, Sharon, I'm on. I'm new to the blogsphere, so this was a little complicated, but I'm trainable. I say let's get our colleagues on here and see how it goes. I think maybe we ought to keep it private until we get some of the kinks ironed out, just to avoid any irate non-clergywoman readers.


this is a test of the clergywomen's lectionary group
-Sharon Carter